Two cows laying down in a small dirty cage, next to other similar cages with more cows.


120 million pigs and 30 million cows are killed each year for food in the U.S. alone. Not only are they killed, but they are held in cramped indoor spaces all together. These animals belong out in the wild, in their natural habitats. Most of the animals held in factory farms haven’t even seen the sun. It is up to us to save them by not purchasing products from factory farms and spreading awareness.

Two burgers on a plate, one a veggie burger and the other a hamburger. Both look nearly the exact same.


You don’t need to completely cut out meat from your diet to help the animals. If you are a meat eater you are probably opposed to making the full switch, and that’s okay! Our goal in buying from meat alternative brands is to show an increase in demand for meat alternative products. This way the door will slowly open for meat alternatives and close for factory farms. So by participating in Meatless Monday, you can contribute to the cause without having to immediately sacrifice meat.

Mark Rober goes more in-depth about the effects of factory farms and on what you can do: